When do I select this Keyed-Alike Charge?
I decide to configure 3 new locks to 1 set of keys.
Example 1A
Model | Qty | Unit Price | Total |
Art.338 | 1 | $138.00 | $138.00 |
Art.558 | 1 | $64.90 | $64.90 |
Art.448/23 | 1 | $36.90 | $36.90 |
KA Charge $30 | 1 | $30.00 | $30.00 |
Grand Total: | $269.80 |
1 Set of 04 keys will be issued for the above 3 locks.
Example 1B
Model | Qty | Unit Price | Total |
Art.280/25 | 3 | $59.90 | $179.70 |
KA Charge $30 | 1 | $30.00 | $30.00 |
Grand Total: | $209.70 |
1 set of 04 keys will be issued for the above 3 locks.
I decide to configure two locks to the new DMS System.
Example 2A
Model | Qty | Unit Price | Total |
DMS I/2B | 1 | $208.00 | $208.00 |
Art.778/63/C | 1 | $58.90 | $58.90 |
Art.668/A | 1 | $65.90 | $65.90 |
KA Charge $30 | 1 | $30.00 | $30.00 |
Grand Total: | $362.80 |
1 set of 04 keys will be issued for the above system. NO Extra key.
I decide to configure two new locks to your current key.
Example 3A
Model | Qty | Unit Price | Total |
Art.668/A | 1 | $65.90 | $65.90 |
Art.448/23 | 1 | $36.90 | $36.90 |
KA Charge $30 | 1 | $30.00 | $30.00 |
Grand Total: | $132.80 |
Please note NO keys will be issued for the above locks configured to your current key.